Tracking Addon by Advanced Ads
$6.80 Buy Now
Version: 2.7.0Author Page

Tracking Addon by Advanced Ads


Last Updated on March 26, 2024

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Tracking Addon

Advanced Ads offered “Tracking Addon” as part of its pro version. The Tracking Addon provided additional tracking and reporting features for your ads, allowing you to monitor ad performance and optimize your ad placements.

Some of the key features of the Advanced Ads Tracking Addon included:

  1. Click Tracking: The Tracking Addon allowed you to track ad clicks to understand how many times users clicked on your ads.

  2. Impression Tracking: You could track ad impressions to know how many times the ads were viewed by visitors.

  3. Ad Blocker Detection: The addon provided options to detect users who have ad blockers installed and track their interactions with the ads.

  4. Custom Event Tracking: You could set up custom events and track specific interactions with your ads, such as form submissions or video plays.

  5. Geographic Tracking: The addon allowed you to track the geographic location of your ad interactions to understand the reach of your ads.

  6. Device and Browser Tracking: You could monitor which devices (desktop, mobile, tablet) and browsers were used to view and interact with your ads.

  7. Conversion Tracking: The addon supported conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of your ads in driving specific actions, such as purchases or sign-ups.


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