WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos Plugin
$99.00 $9.99 Buy Now
Version: 3.1.10 Sale! Author Page

WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos Plugin



Last Updated on April 25, 2024

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WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos Plugin

The “WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos” plugin is designed to enhance the display of product variations on your WooCommerce store. It allows you to replace the default dropdown or radio button variation selectors with visually appealing swatches or photos, providing a more interactive and user-friendly experience for your customers.

Here are some key features typically offered by the WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos plugin:

  1. Variation Swatches: The plugin allows you to create custom swatches for each variation option, such as color, size, or material. Instead of using text-based dropdown menus or radio buttons, customers can visually select their desired variation by clicking on the corresponding swatch.

  2. Variation Photos: In addition to swatches, the plugin enables you to assign specific images to each variation. This means that when a customer selects a particular variation, the product image displayed will automatically update to show the corresponding photo.

  3. Customizable Swatch Styles: You can customize the appearance of the swatches to match your store’s branding and design. The plugin provides options to adjust the size, shape, color, and border of the swatches to create a cohesive and visually appealing display.

  4. Tooltip Information: The plugin allows you to add tooltip information to the swatches or variation photos. This feature enables you to provide additional details about each variation, such as product specifications or pricing, when customers hover over the swatch or photo.

  5. Dynamic Price Updating: When customers select different variations, the plugin can dynamically update the displayed price to reflect any price changes associated with the selected variation. This helps customers see the accurate pricing information as they make their selections.

  6. Mobile-Friendly Design: The plugin is typically designed to be mobile-responsive, ensuring that the variation swatches and photos display properly on different devices, including smartphones and tablets.

By using the WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos plugin, you can enhance the visual presentation of product variations on your WooCommerce store. It provides a more engaging and intuitive way for customers to select the variations they want, resulting in an improved shopping experience and potentially higher conversion rates.

Please note that specific features and functionalities may vary depending on the version and configuration of the plugin. It’s recommended to review the plugin documentation, features, and compatibility with your specific WooCommerce setup before making a purchase or installation.



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