Product Catalog Feed for WooCommerce
The Product Catalog Feed for WooCommerce plugin by PixelYourSite allows you to create auto-updated XML feeds for various platforms such as Facebook Product Catalogs, Google Merchant, Google Ads Custom Feed Remarketing, Pinterest Catalogs, and TikTok Catalogs. It offers fallback logic to use the best value for each feed field and the ability to manage multiple feeds.
The plugin also supports custom taxonomy options and allows you to exclude variations from your feeds. Additionally, you can customize each product and promote recent or best-selling products.
The plugin is compatible with various other plugins such as WPML, Woo Multi-Currency, and YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-On.
The pro version of the plugin offers advanced features such as filtering products by category, type, sale, stock, or tags, removing variations from the feed, setting price rules for the main ID of a variable product, defining a brand to be used for products without a brand, and defining a product condition to be used when the condition is missing.
To use the plugin for Facebook Product Catalog, you can open the Product Catalog Feed plugin, click on the “Add new feed” tab, name your feed, check the mapping settings, click on the “Generate the Feed” button, retrieve your new feed in the feed list and click “View”. The XML feed will open in a new window, and you can copy the URL. Then, you can create your Product Catalog for Dynamic Ads by going to your Facebook business account, opening Product Catalogs from the top menu, and creating a new catalog. Click on the “Add Product Feed” button, name your feed, select your currency, paste your feed URL, and click next. Once the feed is uploaded, you will see some status messages, and you can see the products in the catalog by clicking on the Products link from the left menu.
Overall, the Product Catalog Feed for WooCommerce plugin is a powerful tool for creating and managing XML feeds for various platforms. It offers advanced features and compatibility with other plugins, making it a valuable addition to any WooCommerce store.
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